I3A-LAQV (Food & Water Science – Green Chemistry Laboratory) FOODinteract Research Team (I3A-LAQV)


On-going Projects

Projects concluded

Agrifood XXI - Development and consolidation of research in the agrifood sector in Northern Portugal -NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000041 (https://cbma.uminho.pt/project/agrifood-xxi/)

CLABEL+ - Alimentos inovadores “clean label” naturais, nutritivos e orientados para o consumidor - POCI-01-0247-FEDER-046080 (https://cleanlabelplus.pt/)

Healthy&ValorFOOD: Towards Healthy and Valorized Foods, assuring their safety, authenticity and sustainability. NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000052 | North Portugal Regional Operational Programme - NORTE 2020 (https://laqv.requimte.pt/gazette/675)

OLIVECOA - Centenarian olive trees of Côa Valley region: rediscovering the past to valorise the future - COA/BRB/0035/2019 (https://cimo.ipb.pt/index.php?r=project/view&id=346)

NOBEL – seNiOr meals towards high nutrient BioaccEssibiLity – IJUP 2021-ITAU12. (https://www.i3a-laqv.pt/Projects_Nobel/Projects_Nobel)

SEAFOOD TOMORROW - Inovative Solutions for Nutritious, Safe and Sustainable Seafood in Europe. Funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 773400 (https://seafoodtomorrow.eu/)

EDCs-Seafood - Integrated Assessment of Emerging Endocrine Disruptor Contaminants in Seafood from Portuguese Estuaries PTDC/ASP-PES/28708/2017-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-028708

DIETimpact – Diet impact on the prevention of chronic diseases: a foodomics approach (PTDC/SAU-NUT/30322-2017-POCI-01-0145-FEDR-30322) (Project Overview)

Mor2020 - Valorization of the protein fraction from Moringa oleifera (PTDC/OCE-ETA/32567/2017) (Project Overview)

IDEAS4life – Novel maritime plant food ingredients (http://www.ci.uc.pt/qfm/projects/novel-maritime-plant-food-ingredients-ideas4life/index.html)

FOCACCia – Exposure to food additives and contaminants from food processing and packaging: defining patterns and their effects on adiposity and cognitive function from childhood to adolescence (PTCD/SAU-PUB/31949/2017) (https://projetofocaccia.wixsite.com/site?lang=en)

AlleRiskAssess - Towards allergen risk assessment of foods: structural and immunogenic changes induced by novel processing technologies and alternative protein sources (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-031720 - PTDC/BAA-AGR/31720/2017) (Project Overview)

PORPLANTSURF – Superhydrophobic films inspired in the surface of plant leaves and petals from North of Portugal PTDC/CTM-REF/29785/2017 (https://cq.uminho.pt/research/project/porplantsurf)

BeeHappy - Bee (Apis mellifera L.) Health in the Azores: comparing ePidemiological Patterns in a unique natural laboratory (http://beehappy.cimo.ipb.pt/)

FoodNanoHealth (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000011) – Food and Quality Safety - a (nano) technological approach (2016-2019). (Overview)

BIOIMPACT (PTDC/QEQ-MED/1890/2014) - Biochemical Impact of Platinum and Palladium-based Anticancer Agents (2016-2019). (Overview)

ECsafeSEAFOOD (FP7-KBBE-2012.02.4-01; project nº 311820) - Environmental contaminants in seafood: safety assessment, impact and mitigation strategies (2013-2017). Funded by European Union FP7. (http://www.ecsafeseafood.eu/)

OliveOld - Identificação e caracterização de oliveiras centenárias para a obtenção de produtos diferenciados (2014-2017). Proder: Medida 4.1 “Cooperação para a Inovação” – PA 53989

"Rega deficitária na oliveira "Olea Europea", na região da Terra Quente Transmontana, com vista à otimização dos recursos hídricos, produtividasde e qualidade do azeite. (2012-2015). Funded by Proder: Medida 4.1 “Cooperação para a Inovação” – PA 44663.

PTDC/AGR-AAM/102316/2008 - Cafelópodes – benefícios e riscos do consumo; avaliação das respostas dos biomarcadores à poluição orgânica (2010-2013). Funded by FCT.

PTDC/AGR-AAM/102447/2008 - Borra de café: programa de reconversão hortícola e implicações na qualidade e segurança dos vegetais produzidos (2010-2013). Funded by FCT.

PTDC/AGR-ALI/101583/2008 - Development of fast GCxGC-MS methods for multi-toxins analysis in cereals and cereals products. Exposure assessment to pesticides, mycotoxins and some heat-generated food contaminants (2010-2013).

EXCL/AGR-PRO/0591/2012 - Olive crop protection in sustainable production under global climatic changes: linking ecological infrastructures to ecosystem functions (2012-2015). Funded by FCT.

PTDC/AAC-AMB/120889/2010. ECOPHARMAP – Ecofarmacovigilância de cinco medicamentos relevantes: mapas de contaminação em Portugal (2012 - 2015). Funded by FCT

PTDC/ECM/103141/2008. Reabilitação de solos contaminados por produtos farmacêuticos (2010- 2013). Funded by FCT.

PTDC/AAC-AMB/103386/2008. Estarão as aquaculturas a produzir mais do que peixe? Detecção de resistência a agentes antimicrobianos num nicho ecológico pouco estudado? (2010 -- 2013). Funded by FCT.